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Product Catalog

The complete catalog of Delptronics products.
Click on a product name for all of the details, such as pictures, videos, instructions, schematics, etc.

Trigger Man V2 Stompbox
Out of Stock

LDB-2e Analog Drums Eurorack Module
Temporarily Out of Stock
Will be Back Soon!

LDB-2x Drum Expansion Module
Temporarily Out of Stock
Will be Back Soon!

Thunderclap Eurorack Module
Temporarily Out of Stock
Will be Back Soon!

ThunderBell Mini Kit
Circuit board and all parts, enclosure not included
$40 Add To Cart

LDB-1se Drum Machine Kit
Includes all parts needed to build the complete drum machine
(including PCB & MCUs)

$160 Add To Cart

LDB-1se Drum Machine PCB & MCU
Includes only the printed circuit board
and programmed microcontrollers

$60 Add To Cart

WiiChuck Module Kit
Includes all parts needed to build the complete module.
Panel Color:

WiiChuck Module Kit + Controller
Includes all parts needed to build the complete module, plus a nunchuck controller.
Panel Color:
Controller Color: